2023/24 Calendar of Events


Dates, times, and locations subject to change depending on snow conditions/availability. Events are free to JNSC members (everyone is invited to become a JNSC member!) Interested in volunteering? Have an idea for an event? Email us! info@jnski.org

KIKKAN Film Screening + Q&A
April 4th, 7pm, Goldtown Theater
Cancer Connection is bringing the film KIKKAN to town and will host a virtual Q&A with the star, Kikkan Randall herself, after. For more details and tickets, visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/kikkan-film-with-qa-cancer-connection-fundraiser-tickets-865968183147?aff=ebdssbdestsearch


Questions? Comments? Interest in volunteering? 
Please contact us at info@jnski.org.