Grooming FAQ

When are the trails groomed? Ideally, if equipment and operators are in good working order, JNSC Groomers endeavour to set the tracks early in the morning and after events like races or team practices. Grooming at night and lower temperatures create the best track setting conditions, allowing tracks to harden and be firm for the next day’s skiers. At Montana Creek grooming is targeted for early in the a.m. Mendenhall campground and lake are limited to after 7am and before 9:30 pm. Depending on conditions and Groomer time available, grooming can occur twice and even three times in a single day. Montana Creek has experienced a number of double-happiness grooming days.

It looks like the track has not been groomed, what happened? It could be an equipment breakdown, or a machine stuck somewhere along the trail.

Can I call someone and find out when it will be groomed? Check the the JNSC website first, in case a Groomer or other skier posted a note regarding malfunctioning equipment, etc. If there isn’t any current grooming info on the trail of your concern, contact Groomer Coordinator Ray Imel at 321-6800.

Where can I find out more about the grooming conditions? On the JNSC website. Groomers generally post an update after grooming. Any skier who can access the website is also invited to post an update.

People are ruining the groomed ski trails by walking on them or with their dogs. Is there anything I can do about that? It’s incumbent on each and every user of the trail to remain courteous. The JNSC has no authority to limit uses. Groomers and the Board talk about this all of the time. We have discussed asking the land managers if certain trails could be designated as Dog Friendly, or Walk Friendly, or new trails could be developed, like the Humpy Trail (marked with snowshoe signs on the Fish Creek Knob side of Eaglecrest Road), or designating the lower, lower loop as a dog walking trail. Mendenhall Campground and Dredge Lake are Forest Service designated multiple use areas, so banning any type of activity would be difficult.

Who can I report hazards like thin or broken ice on the lake trails or icy conditions to? Alerting other potential users by posting on the website is a good neighbor deed. There is no JNSC office staff or safety officer or ski patrol that can respond. All trail use is at the discretion of each user. Each user needs to determine if they are comfortable with conditions and use.

Why aren’t some trails groomed? Tracks are hard to groom in low snow. Turning machines around may require detaching the equipment or backing up with a trailer. While the main drags can be looped, the legs in and out may not get groomed if it is icy. Depending on your ski abilities you may consider the trails difficult. Ski to your abilities relative to the trail conditions. We rely on the kindness of strangers to gravel the roads leading to and from the tracks.

Do you need more groomers? Always recruiting, call 321-6800 or email Ray Imel at or contact through JNSC website.