Who We Are

The Juneau Nordic Ski Club (JNSC) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization run almost entirely by dedicated volunteers. The mission of the JNSC is to enhance, develop and promote Nordic skiing in Juneau. JNSC puts more people on skis more often on more kilometers through youth development, trail development and trail maintenance in the Juneau area.

Through various land management agreements, the JNSC grooms trails on public lands during winter in multiple locations around Juneau. The JNSC regularly grooms Montana Creek Road, the Mendenhall Campground and Lake (when ice and snow conditions are safe). Additional ‘pop up’ locations are established when snow cover allows, such as Pioneer Road, Amalga Meadows, and Salmon Creek road. Additionally, through agreements with the CBJ Eaglecrest Ski Area, JNSC periodically grooms Eaglecrest trails in the early and late season and under low snow conditions to extend the season. All grooming takes place using JNSC operated snow machines and grooming attachments, operated by the volunteer groomer corps and is snow cover dependent. 

The JNSC also runs the Youth Development Program which is responsible for the Juneau Nordic Ski Team (JNST) High School and Middle School racing groups as well as the Junior Nordic development program for first through fifth grades. The program’s popularity has grown and it now employs three part time coordinators to share the responsibilities of organizing the age appropriate programs and also organizing and developing the numerous coaches for these groups. Annual fundraisers help to fund scholarships for skiing as well as the seasonal coordinators positions.

Because of grooming equipment improvements in recent years, the JNSC has been able to groom trails an average of over 100 days per season. The equipment stable includes two snow machines, two rollers, two ginzu groomers/track setters, and an older  backup/reserve setup. 

All operations are funded by memberships in JNSC and additional generous donations from individuals, businesses and grants. The JNSC membership, grants and donations are efficiently maximized for equipment purchases, repairs, transporting, fueling, insurance costs, a seasonal Business Manager for club accounting and administrative functions, Youth Program coordinators, and incidentals such as mailings, website updates, and meeting costs.

The Board meets the first Tuesday of each month. If you would like to attend the meeting please email infor@jnski.org to confirm your interest and the meeting location and time. 

JNSC Board of Directors

Frankie Pillifant, President
Mike Hekkers, Vice President
Tim Blust, Treasurer
Kate Slotnick, Secretary
Julius Adolfsson
Odin Brudie
Wayne Carnes
Fred Hiltner
Roman Motyka
Jordan Tanguay