Selling skis? Looking for boots? Find someone’s missing pole? Use this page to post your gear needs or return items to their rightful owner. This is also a great place to post if you are looking for ski gear to buy. Please make sure to post your contact info so viewers can contact you directly and remember to let us know if your gear was sold or item found so that we can remove the post and keep the contents of this page current. *In order to keep our page fresh and current, we will be deleting posts from old ski seasons annually. So if your gear doesn’t sell, or your need isn’t met, make sure to repost in the new ski season! 

NordicTrak for Sale

Like new Nordic Trak for sale, asking $100. Lightly used but nicely maintained. Please reach out to Leo at ...

SOLD – skate skis, poles, boots

SOLD! Atomic Pro Race skate skis w/ Atomic SNS bindings 190cm, Swix skate ski poles 165cm, Hartjes SNS boots which ...

skate skies, poles, boots

Atomic Pro Race skate skis w/ Atomic SNS bindings 190cm, Swix skate ski poles 165cm, Hartjes SNS boots which fit ...

Atomic Skintech Classic Skis

The Redster Skintec is a high-end classic Nordic ski from Atomic with an easy-to-use solution in the kick zone. ...

Waxable Classic skis and boots

Atomic Motion 52 waxable classic skis 184cm with Pilot bindings $85 Salomon Siam 7 Pilot boots, Womens 9.5 ...

SNS classic boots, size 44

Looking for a solid pair of lightly-to-never used sns classic boots - size 44 (10/10.5 mens). Thanks! Tristan, ...

New CC Skier looking for gear

Female 5’9”. Size 26 boot. I have downhill skied & ice skated but have never done any nordic. I think I’d ...

Beginner Skier

Hi all. Looking for a Men's classic set up. NNN binding classic skis ~190 cm, ski poles ~150cm, and boots size 46. ...

womens skate skis

womens skate skis 180 length boot 38-39. I am 5'5' and US boot 7.5-8.


womens skate skiis 180 length and shoe 38-39. I am 5'5" and a US shoe size 7.5-8.

Found Glove

Found at the Eagle River parking lot. Please contact me to claim,

Found: Men’s black lobster gloves

in Eaglecrest parking lot December 1st. Left them on door handles of the ticket office building, so should be in ...


Lost JNSC orange buff on Pioneer Road, Saturday April 2 afternoon. 907-723-0761


Car keyes found at campground

Found on Pioneer Road

Camo-colored remote Remember, You asked me if I’d seen it. Call 907-723-8439

lost hat & ear band

Dec. 27 or 28, 2021 Lost a blue & gray hat and white ear band @ Campground. Call 957-0748 if you found my ...