Montana Creek still has it

Skiing is especially good on the upper half of the trail, from the landslide to the end. Skate skiing was perfect this morning despite a few wet spots, and the classic track looked solid. But I was so wet after an hour that I became slightly hypothermic. Dress for the...

Friday morning, groomed

Soft enough to set pretty nice classic track. Could not run teeth very deep due to soft snow, but skate surface is fairly smooth. Road/hill remains treacherous but enough ice has melted to expose pavement in a few places. Large wet/slush areas are increasing in size...


Skate in classic groomed at 9 AM. Nice soft snow. Slippery ice from the gate and partway down the first hill. Cleats would be helpful.

Friday morning, groomed

Getting close to two inches of new snow when I left at 1015. Groomed for skate. Classic track setting mixed results. Not enough new snow for a clean new track yet. Nice in spots but several places the setter hit ice underneath and jogged sideways. 14 degrees at the...